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AOL Members Please Read...
Proxy traffic is not wanted by most advertisers. By that I do not just mean search engines. The ptp owners are setup to suspend if a certain page gets a certain amount of proxy hits per day. Multiple signups from proxy users. These are some of the reasons why access is restricted to proxies.
I have used this setup on all of my other ptr sites for years and have several AOL members who have no problems at all. They just don't use AOL browser, which uses unwanted proxy addressing. In fact they have thanked me many times since I introduced them to Firefox. Firefox is very secure to use and blocks pops. It is also the most popular browser to use with ptr since most ptr sites have banned AOL and proxy. AOL members are always welcome on any of my sites.
If you need assistance, please, email me here: and "Access my account" in the subject line.